
Glass toys 101: how to choose ‘em & how to use ‘em

By Maya Khamala

If there’s one sex toy material you haven’t yet explored, chances are high that it’s glass. But while it’s true that the prospect of inserting a toy made from the same breakable stuff as your windows can be downright scary, take comfort in the fact that glass sex toys are made from the least breakable type of glass on earth. From butt plugs to dildos, vibrators to anal beads, glass sex toys are tempered by pros with safety (and pleasure) always on the brain.

Shop all glass toys here.

Glass sex toy safety

Much unlike the pint glass you drank your beer from last night, your mirror, or your auntie’s punch bowl, quality glass sex toys are made with a toughened material known as borosilicate glass or ‘pyrexed’ glass. This stuff will need a hell of a whooping before it goes and breaks on you. And even if it actually does (highly unlikely), it won’t shatter and crack into little pieces like other glass. Your gorgeous glass sex toys are made to withstand and are sure to outlive any plastic alternative. All of this said, if you do happen to drop your glass toy with real force or from a great height onto a hard surface like concrete or metal, the safe thing to do is discard it just incase its integrity has been shattered, ‘nam sayin’?

Bonus: glass toys are free from latex, phthalates and chemicals, as well as hypoallergenic. So it’s perfect for all of us sensitive types!

How to choose ‘em

The question of the day is this: if you’re a glass sex toy newbie, which type should you try? There’s obviously no one answer to this, since it all cums down to personal preferences. That said, since knowledge is pleasure power, it can help to know a bit about what you’re looking at before making a choice.

First things first: whatever style and model you do end up choosing, always make 100% sure it’s made of the borosilicate glass we discussed and not some cheap knockoff glass. You definitely don’t want that.

Size: If your first dildo ever is going to be a glass dildo—or you just happen to be quite small in the poompoom area, you probably want to choose one with a shaft about an inch wide. On the other hand, if you’re a seasoned dildo veteran, have more space to fill, or you just like the sensation of being ‘stretched,’ you want to opt for one with a width of 1¼ to 1½ inches.

Shape: Smooth, straight dildos and wands are mostly used for stimulating the clit and for luscious probing in and around your pussy. Then you’ve got g-spot stimulators, which come curved to facilitate g-spot massage. Perhaps most adventurous of all (though its all relative) are twisters, which are basically shaped like beautiful spirals meant to be used in a circular twisting motion while inserted (or partially inserted).

Texture: If your glass toy has ribs, knobs, beads, ridges or bumps, it will probably feel fantastic against your vaginal walls. If you love ridged condoms, this may be a sign that more textured glass toys are for you and that their artful textures will help intensify your climax!

How to use ‘em

No lube limitations:  As with other sex toys, glass toys can be used with or without lube (unless you’re going anal—in which case, always use lube). But unlike other toys, which have limitations on which lubes are better or worse for your toy, you can use any lube you please with a glass toy and not worry about damages incurred. Since they’re smoother than latex, rubber, or silicone, there’s already a lot less friction too, so a little lube will go a long way. This can make glass especially delicious in the butt plug or anal dildo department—just sayin’.

Remember the rigidness: To state the obvious, glass toys are firm and hard—some enjoy this more than others. Make sure you’re aroused before you insert a glass toy. Once inserted, try twisting it around. Particularly if you have a textured glass dildo or a twister, the different surfaces will feel great incredible and stimulate spots you never even knew you had. You might also try rocking the toy back and forth. Experiment lovingly.

Warm ‘n cool: Some glass lovers like to experiment with temperature play. Perhaps the most unique feature of a glass toy is that it can be heated up in warm water or cooled down in your freezer for a variety of different experiences. Switching up the temperature of your glass toy can both intensify sensations and even heighten orgasms, and alternating between warm and cool can intensify things even more. Of course, before using a chilled or warmed toy, always do a temperature check on your forearm so you know it’s comfortable!

Multi-purpose massagers: Not only are glass toys divine to use, and gorgeous to look at (since they're all works of art), but they’re also multi-purpose. Glass dildos—particularly ones with bumps or ridges—can also be used to very effectively massage a sore neck or shoulders. Up the ante by adding massage oil! Or, you can use your toy to tease your partner by rolling it over their body or rubbing it on their clit or the shaft of their penis.

So easy to clean: Glass is non-porous so it won’t harbor any bad bacteria. This simple fact makes glass the easiest sex toy material to clean. You might wash it with unscented soap and hot water, boil it, wash it in the dishwasher, or spray it with rubbing alcohol and wipe it down with water before storing it for next time.

Bottom line: not everyone is going to love a glass toy, but if you’re curious and drawn to trying one of these artful glass sculptures on for size, know this: it doesn’t get much more erotic than inserting an art piece inside yourself…and fucking it. Just saying. Enjoy the exploration, babes.

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